
Itinerary Planning & Design

This is the starting point for every trip.

The trip to Spain has been decided, the dates fixed and the flights booked but, the traveler starts to plan the detailed itinerary, and is overwhelmed with all the choices. Discover Spanish Life will work with you to deliver solid, tailored recommendations you can work from.

This service, includes two phone/videoconference call and is delivered over email, over 7 days.

We want to get to know you and understand your goals for the trip. Who is traveling, what are their ages and interests? Have you been to Spain before, if so where? Are the any places you want to make sure you visit? What does your ideal vacation look like?

We will prepare an overall itinerary, locations to visit, places to see and things to do. The next step is to review this itinerary with you, you might love it as it is, want to tweak it or totally change it. We will review the overall itinerary as often as you need until you are happy with it.

Then, based on your requirements and budget we will provide you with recommended accommodations that you can choose from for the trip.

Finally, we will also add suggestions of attractions to visit, activities to do (and how to book them) and places to eat at each location.

$400 up to two-week itinerary.

Full Service booking and day-by-day (hour-by-hour) plan

With the Itinerary Planning & Design completed, many travelers will find they have all they need to finalize their travel details. But, if you you want to sit back and relax or don’t have time for details, Discover Spanish Life can take care of them for you. We will book the hotels, restaurants and activities on your behalf.

This service can be used for your whole trip or just for a portion of your days in Spain. So, maybe you feel comfortable detailing and booking the Barcelona leg of your trip, but, would like to have this us take care of everything for your 3-day Picos de Europa getaway.

First you will review our accommodation recommendations, once you have made the selection we will book the accommodation for you.

Next, we will book your local guides, tickets to attractions, and any equipment you might need for specialty activities (.e.g. bicycles).

Finally, we will take care of all the logistics, how to get from A to B, car rental, train, domestic flight, etc.

You will receive a package containing all the information, maps and reservation information you need for the trip. An overview and a day by day schedule.

And, if during your trip you need to ask a question, reschedule and activity or find something different to do because it will rain, this level of service includes access via phone or email from 6am to 8pm ET.

Cost: $250 per day of travel